Jawaban "What Is Mainly Discussed In The Tex... A.barack Obama B The President Of United States. C.the Man Wh..."

Lagi mencari jawaban tentang what is mainly discussed in the tex... a.barack obama b the president of united states. c.the man wh...? Kalau benar, kamu sudah ada di situs yang benar.

Kami telah menyusun 1 ulasan atas what is mainly discussed in the tex... a.barack obama b the president of united states. c.the man wh.... Okay, langsung saja lihat cara menyelesaikannya selengkapnya disini:

What Is Mainly Discussed In The Tex...
a.barack Obama
b The President Of United States.
c.the Man Who Loves His Children
d.the Black Man Of African​

Jawaban: #1:


b. the president of United States


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