Jawaban "Analyze The Gramatical Errors In The Sentences Below, And Revise It When Neccesary 1. My Name Is Shi..."

Lagi cari ulasan tentang Analyze the gramatical errors in the sentences below, and revise it when Neccesary 1. My Name is shi...? Kalau iya, teman-teman sudah ada di halaman yang tepat.

Oh ya, kami sudah menyiapkan 1 jawaban mengenai Analyze the gramatical errors in the sentences below, and revise it when Neccesary 1. My Name is shi.... Silakan lihat cara mengerjakannya lebih lanjut di bawah:

Analyze The Gramatical Errors In The Sentences Below, And Revise It When Neccesary
1. My Name Is Shiefield Hallam. I Comes From Lebanon. I Currently Studying In The University Of Leicester UK. My Major Was Mathematics. Now I Lived In The UK, At Students Apartement. I Was Here For Three Months. It Is My First Semester In Leicester. I Have Had My Academic Experience Since The First Day I Arrive Here, And It Is Very Will Come To See Me In October. They Say That They Will Visit Me After They Will Never Visited Indonesia. I Can't Wait Too See Them Here. I Will Take Them To Many Interesting Places In The UK

Jawaban: #1:

I come, I am currently, My Major is, Now I live, I have been here for.., I can't wait to see,

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