Apa Arti Dari Rabies ??? termasuk salah satu soal yang bisa anda baca jawabannya disini.
Btw, kami sudah mempunyai 2 kunci jawaban tentang apa arti dari rabies ???. OK, langsung saja lihat jawabannya selanjutnya di bawah ini:
Apa Arti Dari Rabies ???
Jawaban: #1: Rabies is a viral disease that causes acute inflammation of the brain in humans and other warm-blooded animals. Early symptoms can include fever and tingling at the site of exposure. These symptoms are followed by one or more of the following symptoms: violent movements, uncontrolled excitement, fear of water, an inability to move parts of the body, confusion, and loss of consciousness. Once symptoms appear it nearly always results in death. The time period between contracting the disease and the start of symptoms is usually one to three months; however, this time period can vary from less than one week to more than one year. The time is dependent on the distance the virus must travel to reach the central nervous system. Rabies is caused by lyssaviruses including: rabies virus and Australian bat lyssavirus. Jawaban: #2: rabies adalah orang yang takut pada suatu benda atau hewan dan tumbuhanhanya itu yang saya tau semoga bermanfaat .

Gimana? Sudah ketemu jawaban mengenai "apa arti dari rabies ???" kan? Diharapkan solusi di atas dapat mempercepat pengerjaan pekerjaan rumah kamu.
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