Jawaban "Which One It's True ? A. The Chopper (helicopter) Has Landed On The Mountain Or B. The Chopper (heli..."

Tahukah teman-teman, bila menemukan kunci jawaban soal dengan memakai google adalah pilihan efektif yang perlu sobat coba?.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cara belajar dengan metoda mendapatkan cara menyelesaikannya bisa menaikkan nilai pada pelajaran.

Oh ya, kami sudah memiliki 2 cara menyelesaikan dari which one it's true ? a. the chopper (helicopter) has landed on the mountain or b. the chopper (heli.... Monggo pelajari cara menyelesaikannya selanjutnya di bawah:

Which One It's True ?
A. The Chopper (helicopter) Has Landed On The Mountain Or
B. The Chopper (helicopter) Has Landed At The Mountain

Jawaban: #1: The true answer is (a) cause the chopper has landed on the mountain Jawaban: #2: the answer is on, its due to the position of the chopper which is on the landside, we can use at when we mention about unspecific object, for example meet me at my place

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chikwe bishop owerri kidnapped moses chauffeur catholic (sumber gambar: www.pmnewsnigeria.com)

Bagaimana? Sudah ketemu cara menjawabnya kan? Diharapkan jawaban tadi dapat mempercepat penyelesaian soal anda.

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