Jawaban "Competence Test Choose The Correct Answer By Crossing (x) A, B, C, D, Or El The Following Text Is Fo..."

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Kami sudah menyiapkan 1 ulasan dari Competence Test Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or el The following text is fo.... Tak perlu panjang lebar, langsung saja lihat cara menyelesaikannya lebih lanjut disini:

Competence Test
Choose The Correct Answer By Crossing (x) A, B, C, D, Or El
The Following Text Is For Number 14
Good Morning All, Allow Me To Introduce
myself In My Name Is Ruby Anindita. I Was Bom
un Padang On 30 November 2009. Now I Live In
Bandung. Right Now I Stayed At My Uncle's House.
Alow Allow Me To Introduce Myself Further. I Like
things That Smell Of Adventurous, And Small Things
Uke Reading Watching, And Spent My Free Time
by Doing Nothing. Okay Now About Me And My
tanyíly, I Am The Second Child In My Family. I Have
a Bitle Sister, And She Is Kindergarten Student. My
father Is A Teacher Of English Which Is Named
Dodi Suduman. While My Mother Is A Housewife.
love My Family More Than Anything. Well That's My
Introduction This Time. Pleased To Meet You.
I Also Like To Play Chess Very Much. I Llve At
Ahmad Yani Street No 44 Surabaya. I Lives
together With My Parents And Two Younger
sisters. They Are Mr. And Mrs. Prambut
Amelia Permata And Nadya Pramesti.
Now, I Learn At SMU Pelita Harapan. My
younger Sister Amelia Permata Is In The
second Year Of Junior High School, While
Nadya Pramesti Is Still In Elementary School
class Five. It Is About Me And My Family
1. What Can We Infer From The Text Above?
Ruby Anindita Is A New Student
b. Ruby Anindita Is A Alazy Student
a Ruby Anindita Doesn't Like Her Friends
d. Ruby Anindita Doesn't Want To Be A
e. Ruby Anindita Doesn't Have A Sister
2. Below Is Not The Explanation Of Ruby's
a. Ruby Has 2 Siblings
b. Ruby's Mother Is A Housewife
c Ruby Loves Her Family
d. Ruby Is Now Living With Her Family
e. Ruby's Father Is A Teacher
3. What Kind Of Expression Mostly Used In The
text Above?
a Introduction
d Farewell
b. Complimente. Parting
C. Congratulation
Where Is Ruby Living Now?
a. Her Family D. Her Mother
b. Her Uncle E. Her Brother
c. Her Grandparents
The Following Text Is For Questions Number
5 To 8.
Dhimas Rhakaning Bayu Was Born On ....
a June 12, 2000
b. June 21", 2000
c. July 12, 2000
d July 21", 2000
e, July 21, 2001
6. Dhimas' Hobbies Are
a Playing Football, Playing Volleyball.
swimming, Listening To The Music
b. Playing Football, Playing Basketball,
roller-skate, Listening To The Music
c. Playing Football, Playing Basketball,
swimming, Listening To The Music
d. Playing Softball Playing Chess,
swimming, Listening To The Music
e. Playing Volleyball, Playing Basketball,
swimming, Listening To The Music
7. Who Is The First Child Of The Family?
a. Dhimas Rhakaning Bayu
b. Amelia Permata
c Nadya Pramesti
d. Prambudi Bayu
e. Pramesti Permata
Who Is The Third Child Of The Family?
a Dhimas Rhakaning Bayu
b. Amelia Permata
c. Nadya Pramesti
d. Prambudi Bayu
Pramesti Permata
The Following Text Is For Questions Numbers
9 To 11.
My Name Is Dhimas Rhakaning Bayu
Allow Me To Introduce Myself. My Name Is Dhimas
Rhakaning Bayu. I Am From Surabaya East Java,
I Was Born In Surabaya On July 21st, 2000. My
hobbies Are Playing Football, Playing Basketball,
swimming, Listening To The Music And Travelling.
Priscilia's Family
My Name Is Priscilla Natasya. I Am Sixteen Years
old. I Am At The First Grade Of Senior High School. I
live In Jakarta With My Parents, But Actually We Are
Englishman. We Are From Leicester. Tolong Dong Ka Dijawab Buat Ulangan Besok:)​

Jawaban: #1:

1. b. Anita is a lazy student

2. d. Ruby is now living with her family

3. a. introduction

4. b. her uncle

5. d. July 21st, 2000

6. c. playing football, playing basketball,

swimming, listening to the music

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